Saturday, January 17, 2009
huru hara..
erm..aku post entry ni...aku baru lps menanges..sambil aku menanges tu..aku kemas ape yg patot..prepare ape yg patot..sediakan ape yg patot kot² aku jd kua dr umah ni esok..! aku pon xtau la..aku dh penat asek nak begado ngan mak aku..cubela paham keadaan aku..sambil nanges² aku usha dlm purse aku..ade 350hengget jek..kalo aku kua..aku nak g mane?nak dok mane?lam otak aku satu jek..g xtau nak g mane..sambil² nanges gak..aku pm yaty..yaty ni gpren abg aku..aku memule nak tanye pendapat die..nak soh die tolong carikan umah sewa ke..mane² je long as aku kua dr umah ni..aku tau aku bedose ngan mak ntahla..aku dh x bole..dan sambil menaip entry ni..aku menanges lagi..ntahla..xtau nak cite cmne..nak mulekan dari mane..aku tau aku salah..mak..adik mintak cube la mak paham keadaan adik ni..kalo la mak aku bole bace blog ni..aku macam dah nekad..esok pagi lps setelkan sume hal ngan abah aku..aku ingat nak g jejauh dr brani ke aku?bole ke aku?aku nak g mane?ntahla..esk kalo aku ade lagi..still on9 ym, ms ngn fs..means aku x kua la dr umah ni..kalo x..maybe aku kua..ikut kate hati aku..pegi mencarik nilai diri aku sendiri..ya allah..ko tolongla aku..berikan aku kekuatan..aku dah x tau nak taip ape..air mate ni pon bodoh..senang sgt gugur..tu jek nak tulis kot..
posted by -=ash=- @ 1:29 AM  
Thursday, January 15, 2009
kala bulan mengambang..

ehe..entry kali neh bkn psl cite kale bln ngambang yg rosam nur blakon entry yg saje aku suke² nak post sbb baru pasan yg aku dh lame x hapdet blog neh..2 ari lps kot..mase aku balik kje..eceh balik kje konon..xde la, mase aku baru abes tulun mak aku..ade la dlm kul 8pm la..otw nak masok umah tu baru pasan mlm neh bulan ngambang..aku pon seram gak la..cpt² la lari tolak pintu grill umah aku tu..sebenranyekan..aku sendiri x tau nak post hape..hahhaa..saje nak tunjuk pix bulan ngambang yg aku snap sebelom aku berlari² remaja nak masok umah..

biu dr laman umah..

zo0m biu..
posted by -=ash=- @ 12:07 AM  
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Bedtime Stories

Marty Bronson (Jonathan Pryce) who raises his son and daughter on his own has to sell his homey motel to clever Barry Nottingham (Richard Griffiths) who promises to make Marty’s son manager, when he’s grown up and has proven himself. Nottingham pulls down the motel to raise a pricey hotel. Although grown up, Marty’s son Skeeter Bronson (Adam Sandler) works as a janitor and general servant, but unlikely as it seems, he still dreams of becoming the manager. When Nottingham announces a brand-new gigantic hotel project, he makes his future son-in-law, base Kendall (Guy Pierce), manager, shattering Skeeter’s dream. At the same time Skeeter’s sister Wendy (Courtney Cox) has to leave town for a job interview and asks him to alternate looking after her two children Patrick (Jonathan Morgan Heit) and Bobbi (Laura Ann Kesling) with Wendy’s responsible-minded colleague Jill (Keri Russell). He doesn’t get along with either Jill or the children, but his easy-goingness loosens them all up and once he starts telling his bedtime stories, the children grow fond of him and begin to bring in their ideas about how the stories should go. When the stories turn out to become true in real life, Skeeter tries to manoeuver the stories into a direction which will make his dream come true, too.

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  • ps: ritu nak tgk kt tgv kinta city cri² jumpe la dlm ni..mcm biase..donlod tgh boleh ni..esk dh expayed jgn mintak² dh..

    posted by -=ash=- @ 11:07 AM  
    Monday, January 5, 2009
    Bebaskan Palestine!
    Wahai blogger-blogger sekalian, marilah kita berdemonstrasi secara maya di website atau di blog masing² di atas rasa tidak puas hati kerana kekejaman yang di lakukan oleh Israel yang tidak berhati perut terhadap saudara² kita di Palestine termasuk wanita dan kanak-kanak yang tidak berdosa...... Bebaskan Gaza dari Israel!! Ramai² kita tunjuk perasaan dengan mengibarkan poster anti Israel di blog, website atau dimane juga... Biarpun usaha ini kecil dan tidak dapat menahan serangan kejam terhadap Palestine, sekurang-kurangnya kita menunjukkan sifat bersatu padu sesama islam dan berdoalah untuk saudara-saudara islam kita di sana.

    posted by -=ash=- @ 8:47 PM  
    Madagascar - Escape 2 africa
    In the highly-anticipated sequel to ‘Madagascar,’ Alex, Marty, Melman, Gloria, King Julien, Maurice and the penguins and the chimps find themselves marooned on the distant shores of Madagascar. In the face of this obstacle, the New Yorkers have hatched a plan so crazy it just might work. With military precision, the penguins have repaired an old crashed plane–sort of. Once aloft, this unlikely crew stays airborne just long enough to make it to the wildest place of all–the vast plains of Africa, where the members of our zoo-raised crew encounter species of their own kind for the very first time. Africa seems like a great place…but is it better than their Central Park home?

  • [ download sini part1 ]

  • [ download sini part2 ]

  • [ download sini part3 ]

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  • [ download sini part7 ]

  • [ download sini part8 ]

  • ps: aku hanye bg link utk cerite & lagu yg aku suke request ok..donlod sementara masih boleh neh..
    posted by -=ash=- @ 4:34 PM  
    If I Were A Boy - Beyonce Knowles
    If I were a boy
    Even just for a day
    I’d roll out of bed in the morning
    And throw on what I wanted and go
    Drink beer with the guys
    And chase after girls
    I’d kick it with who I wanted
    And I’d never get confronted for it
    Because they’d stick up for me

    If I were a boy
    I think I could understand
    How it feels to love a girl
    I swear I’d be a better man
    I’d listen to her
    Cause I know how it hurts
    When you lose the one you wanted
    Cause he’s taken you for granted
    And everything you had got destroyed

    If I were a boy
    I would turn off my phone
    Tell everyone its broken
    So they think
    that I was sleeping alone
    I’d put myself first
    And make the rules as I go
    Cause I know that she’d be faithful
    Waiting for me to come home

    If I were a boy
    I think I could understand
    How it feels to love a girl
    I swear I’d be a better man
    I’d listen to her
    Cause I know how it hurts
    When you lose the one you wanted (wanted)
    Cause he’s taken you for granted (granted)
    And everything you had got destroyed

    It’s a little too late for you to come back
    Say its just a mistake
    Think I forgive you like that
    If you thought I would wait for you
    You thought wrong

    But you're just a boy
    You don’t understand (yea you don’t understand)
    How it feels to love a girl
    Someday you’ll wish you were a better man
    You don’t listen to her
    You don’t care how it hurts
    Until you lose the one you wanted
    Cause you've taken her for granted
    And everything you had got destroyed
    But you're just a boy…

  • [ download sini ]

  • erm..aku mcm suke la lagu x bermakne aku mau jd laki..ntahla..juz suke dgn lagu ni..lyric die..sooo meaningfull bg aku ah..eheheh..x terbayang tetibe aku jd donlod link kt cni kalo mau donlod lagu ni..

    ps: tringat zaman boyish aku dolu..berkemeja sume..siap de gf lg dedolu..:P
    posted by -=ash=- @ 1:36 AM  
    Thursday, January 1, 2009
    new y3ar..
    erm..arini 1hb..x sangke..sekejap jek dh melangkah ke tahun 2009..hope thn ni lebih baik dr thn² yg lepas..thn ni ade la aku wat azam baru..ehe..azam lagi..tiap² thn wat x tercapai² gak..azam aku thn lps ape ntah..x ingt..kalo ingt pon aku maleh mau ckp..hahaha..thn ni aku punye azam aku nak cri kje..means kje yg bebetol..seyes punye kje..aku buhsan dgn life aku skng..then ade la lagi satu x leh btau ah ape..hahah..rahsia aku..erm...thn ni aku x tgk bunge api pon..tgk lam tibi jek..slu kalo mlm thn baru ni mase aku blaja dulu..aku suke g reronde..main bowling sume..then nak tgh² mlm tu baru g dataran tempat sambut thn baru tu la..slunye stuck lam jam jek naek moto xpe..leh seselit..kalo mcm thn lps aku sambut kt png..thn sblm tu sambut ats jln depan dataran sume picit hon mase kul 12 tu..aku pon ikut skali ah..seyes mmg sonok yg x kenal pon rs cm kawan plak..boleh pulak aku join mat² moto picit hon..hahaha..mmg aku x lupe ah time tuh..ashkan...sempena tahun baru ni aku hope ko bejaye la capai ape yg ko nak..means life ko..kerjaye ko..smoge thn 2009 ni mendatangkan kebaikan pade diri ko ashkan..ahahah..kate² pade diri sendiri tuh..suckses²! ( gegaye ala² gangstarz tuh tp versi aku la..)

    note: utk tahun 2008..===> life,!
    hope 2009..===> life, love...success!
    posted by -=ash=- @ 2:56 AM  
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